Base options
Add more height to the seat by click (click one more time to de-select).
- 436 $
- 436 $
- 561 $
- 926 $
Seat accessories
Add more options for your seat by click (click one more time to de-select) on your desired accessories.
- 203.5 $
Base accessories
Add more options for your seat by click (click one more time to de-select) on your desired accessories.
- 175 $
- Extra comfortable fully waterproof stretch fit (stitchless) neoprene.
- EAF (Energy Absorbing Foam).
- 225mm progressive and ULTRA-SMOOTH travel (no weight adjustments needed between 40kg and 120kg).
- Less fatigue from 3 axis shock mitigation eliminates whiplash from lateral and fore-aft forces.
- Non-corroding, soft-edged and non-marking 316 stainless, polycarbonate, and Flexanite construction.
- Super low maintenance – See Operational info.
- Tested 1 Million full 10g impacts (200mm displacement, 100ms duration, 100kg payload).
- Crash tested to HSC2000 Annex 10 requirements.
- 3 year global Manufacturers Warranty on all parts
- Lab tested to outperform well known European benchmark (See report here).
- Light weight and easy one man installation.
- Easily repairable (shock can be replaced in under 2 minutes by one person).
- Comes with Rear grab handle, Folding Armrest, and Headrest extension by default (but these may be de-selected)
If you need part or accessory separately or any special requirement, please inquire here.
Shark LUXE Suspension Boat Seat
The Shark LUXE suspension seat is used on high speed craft when added comfort and style are required. With the fully waterproof neoprene upholstery on Energy Absorbing Foam, which provides extra padding and is very comfortable. LUXE also comes default with the plinth unit and seating height can be 770mm unloaded.The headrest and folding armrests provide comfort for extended use and operator comfort.
Product brochures
Shark suspensions seats brochure 2024
CAD Design
Shark suspensions seats and accessories can be downloaded from this shared folder.