Seat options
Choose your seat color by click (click one more time to de-select) on your desired seat.
- 0 $
- 0 $
Base options
Add more height to the seat by click (click one more time to de-select).
- 436 $
- 436 $
- 561 $
- 926 $
Seat accessories
Add more options for your seat by click (click one more time to de-select) on your desired accessories.
- 203.5 $
- 192.5 $
Base accessories
Add more options for your seat by click (click one more time to de-select) on your desired accessories.
- 175 $
Base accessories
Add more options for your seat by click (click one more time to de-select) on your desired accessories.
- 175 $
- UV protected, tough, easy-clean rubber seat foams.
- EAF (Energy Absorbing Foam).
- 225mm progressive and ULTRA-SMOOTH travel (no weight adjustments needed between 40kg and 120kg).
- Side grab handles.
- ULTRA light 13kg total.
- Efficient 580 x 580mm centers for deck layout spacing.
- Less fatigue from 3 axis shock mitigation eliminates whiplash from lateral and fore-aft forces.
- Non-corroding, soft-edged and non-marking 316 stainless, polycarbonate, and Flexanite construction.
- Super low maintenance – See Operational info.
- Tested 1 Million full 10g impacts (200mm displacement, 100ms duration, 100kg payload).
- Crash tested to HSC2000 Annex 10 requirements.
- 3 year global Manufacturers Warranty on all parts
- Lab tested to outperform well known European benchmark (See report here).
- Easy one man installation and repairable (shock can be replaced in under 2 minutes by one person).
- Comes with side-grips by default.
Product brochures
Shark suspensions seats brochure 2024
CAD Design
Shark suspensions seats and accessories can be downloaded from this shared folder.